The launch of Galaxy S8 didn’t go this year as planned by Samsung, as a direct result of Galaxy Note 7 recall. However, Samsung’s Galaxy S8 devices were still first Android devices to bring to the market a crucial critical component, one that other rivals lacked.
Galaxy S9 and S9+ could be the first devices with Snapdragon 845
From the looks of it, Samsung may pull off the same trick with the upcoming Galaxy S9.
Samsung and Qualcomm had an exclusive deal for Galaxy S8 that was the reason Galaxy S8 was the first device in the world with a Snapdragon 835 packed inside. The devices like LG G6 that LG launched more than a month before Galaxy S8 was unveiled suffered the consequences of not having Snapdragon 835. The 2017 LG flagship was hardly a best-selling device, and specs may have played a significant role in that.
The Snapdragon 835 is one of the various available 10nm chips shipping inside smartphone this year. The Apple’s A10X A11 Bionic and Samsung’s Exynos 8895 also included in that list. LG had to rely on the older chipset for its flagship device.
The Snapdragon 845 that is going to launch next year will be Galaxy S9/S9+ exclusive according to Russian Blogger Eldar Murtazin’s tweet. If what he said is correct then it could be terrible news for Samsung’s compititors looking to unveil smartphones next year.
Murtazin also said the phone would launch a month earlier than usual, without specifying what that means.
When will Galaxy S9 launch?
The Galaxy S8 was an exception for Samsung, which was forced to unveil it in late March. In previous years, Samsung scheduled press conferences at the Mobile World Congress to announce the Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S7. That’s usually a late February or early March affair.
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