Twitter to double its tweet character limit from 140 to 280 (Updated)

Update, 09/27: Following the recent small-scale Twitter test that lets users tweet up to 280 character messages, a Twitter user with the handle Prof9 has come up with a workaround to let anybody access the expanded tweets. This was pointed out by The Verge earlier today, and it’s actually pretty easy to do.
First must install the Tampermonkey Chrome extension on desktop, then head to this Github pageand tap the “raw” button on the right. Hit the “install” button in the new Tampermonkey tab that pops up and, when using Twitter with the script running, your tweets should have access to the new limit (note that I had to hit the “reinstall” button that replaces the “install” button once to get this to work). Try it out for yourself and enjoy those big tweets.
